Attracting and retaining talent in an ever-changing teaching landscape


When a global company has its business units in different countries, the needs of each unit are unique. Third Space Global (TSG), based in Sri Lanka, is the recruiting arm of Third Space Learning, a UK based online learning platform which allows for 1 to 1 maths classes for students in the United Kingdom.

Being in the digital space, from the offset they understood the value of aligning online strategies to their business goals. TSG initially approached Surge to build their website, looking to manage marketing internally. However, it soon became apparent that finding the right talent and retaining it was not a simple task—with the skill sets to manage a brand’s digital presence going well beyond website maintenance. TSG once again raised their hand, asking Surge to help.


A deep dive was needed to understand how the business had evolved and the new pain points that had emerged so Surge set about building a roadmap to help TSG rebrand and adjust its marketing activities to better focus on their key needs, recruitment and retention. A study was done of TSG’s current user personas and how they mapped against the ideal target audience allowed Surge to create actionable insights for TSG and map out how they should position themselves to better attract new candidates while retaining their existing talent.


A roadmap for the year was implemented which helped TSG align their marketing activities to their goals, allowing them to focus on building a strong brand which can retain strong talent in order to deliver exceptional work, something Surge has a lot of experience in.